
Bad Case of the Stupids

Inspired by and image courtesy of I Can Read
It's only a month,
Actually, less than
That at this point.

Control yourself.

Whatever happens...
Actually, don't let

Don't do anything stupid.
Just...let go?  Ugh.
Just...don't care?  Impossible.
Just...don't do anything.

I guess you could
Make a friend or two.
That's totally kosher.

But anything else
Is so not worth it.

What if it is?
What if statements
Are the worst.

In a book in the second person,
One of those "pick your path" ones
You can see the ending,
Turn back a few pages
And go towards the one you want.

Or you can just dog-ear the book
And come back to it later.

You can't do that in life though.

It's only a month,

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