Boys have GKW.
What's GKW you might ask.
GKY: God Knows What.
Girls have their crazy hormones
Guys have their strange disease
When every dude go crazy.
And then they go berserk
When girls go crazy as well
But maybe it's a bit of all our faults?
Only time can tell.
It just gets and worse
But there's light at the end of every tunnel.
Or at least, once it's hit
Rock bottom, there's no where
To go but up.
Right now there's just a new pit,
Formed by pent up rage,
Filled with bodies and bodies...
Or is that my tummy talking?
In my subconscious, the angry have
Tentacles, the annoyed have strobe lights,
And the annoying have umbrellas for heads.
Half the dudes I know
Are a combination of the first and last.
The girls they know
Have strobe lights that spin really fast.
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