Me, Black&White Cookie, Innocence, and ToeTOEFL were there and it was boatloads of fun (that's five people, not four, by the way). Me and the Black&White Cookie have a bond over racial comments, political jokes, while Electrohead and I spent a good portion listening to techno music and stuff. God, I miss having a free with them. It was too much fun.
But anyway, speech tournaments have people I would probably not get along with. Like, I've tried and it hasn't worked out. My school's team in general is quite antisocial. We keep to our own. It's kind of amusing because Pink Sunshine was trying to scout out boy candy and she was like "you're theory is absolutely correct!" The theory is that there are no cute guys at speech tournaments. If there are, then they are either not on a speech team, gay, or on our school's speech team. It's proven true too often. I'm sure people will take offense to this and think I'm being stereotypical. It's just observations.
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