
Oh My God, What WAS That? (B.O.A.)

Haha, sorry for the bad pic and crappy cell phone quality. I'll try to use my normal camera when taking the outfit pics. And dammit, this looked much better in my head. Well, green shirt by Esprit, necklace I got from my friend, Japanoholic, the dress I bought in the huge department store in Paris, Le Temps. Tights I bought in American Apparel and the shoes I bought in Loehmann's. Underwear provided by aerie.

Don't you love how organized my locker is? It's because all I need to do is sort of know where everything is. Because once I try to organize it, I'm like "OH NOEZ WHERE'S MY *insert class here* BOOK?" Yep, that's my AP Spanish Barron's book in the corner. Go me for overextending myself.

It's funny because one of the colleges I applied to asked if I wanted to go into their honor's program. Tempting, but I kind of wanted to do that whole regular classes thing at least my first year at a college. And plus, all my AP scores would catapult me into like sophomore year classes anyway. Ugh...so much work.

But um, yeah. I took a Statistics test today. Title says it all. Because that's ALL there is to say about Stats tests. At least at my school. I hope we get a mega curve or something because if not, I shall cry. Lots.

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