
80's Day At School (B.o.A.)

Today, the seniors' dress down theme was the 80's. It was so recycled because that was also the theme for the dance we had earlier this year. Anyway. I managed to lucid dream last night and let me tell you: it is so scary. I felt all my body parts go numb and then stuff that I'm pretty sure wasn't my room. Having watched the A Nightmare on Elm Street trailer multiple times amidst studying, safe to say that I was terrified, haha. Then I fell down a flight of stairs this morning. Yep, classy.

80's Day at Loyola
80's Day at Loyola by jladz65 featuring American Apparel
Jeans are from America Eagle, shoes are Converse, I skipped the knee highs, and the black shirt I wore was from Esprit.

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