
Longest Night Ever

When you see your child in obvious pain
All night,
Would you just SIT there
And watch and do nothing besides rub
Her tummy and back?

When your child is roaring at you
All morning
Would you just STAND there
And act as if nothing is wrong?


This is what NORMAL people do.
They take their kid to the doctor.
And not to the doctor 45 minutes away in fucking Greenpoint.
I had a rock in my throat most of the night.
My stomach felt like it was going to explode
As if there was a face-sucker in it.
My chest is so tight right now
I cannot even get out of bed.

And I'm missing school.
All because you just sat there and didn't go
To the pharmacy for fear that I'd get even more sick.
Good concern, but if the meds made me sick
We'd know WHY I'm even more sick in the place.
And now I'll definitely have a DBQ or something due
Monday that I don't know about
So it gets postponed for me to Tuesday.
I probably have a test on Monday
On stuff we learned today.

And it's all because you sat there all night.
Thanks a fucking lot.

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