
Parties of the Rich and "Famous"

I was invited to last night's party.
I was invited. Me and my ego.
My ego told me that I looked quite pretty.
My camera seemed to disagree.

My ego told me that my dress fit in.
The Waldorf-Astoria said otherwise.
The party hall was quite huge and lavish.
That party was worth more than my building.

In spite of my inferiority,
I had tons of fun with my new friend set.
That party will be hard to beat, the best so far.
Also the only so far. It had EVERYTHING.

Confetti rained down toward the end of it,
Male and female dancers were hired to
Get kids dancing on the sparkly dance floor.
Most people danced, some even hooked up.

Public hook ups like that aren't my
Thing since I've been a third wheel for a year.
But the dancing with people was muy fun.
I can't wait for the next party...even if it's
Not as lavish as the one last night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like. brilliant of course