This show is golden. Now that they've added Toolettes and a gay couple, it's even better. Except I cannot take it seriously because of Kyle. He's such a sweetie but there is that double standard of him being a total doormat for staying with Jennavecia. Here's a photo of her:

I actually feel kind of bad that she went from "hot" to a "slut" so quickly. Just because she's the Toolette. Even though the guys are the same way.
Two guys pissed me off royally: Chasyn and Neander-Tool (I didn't bother memorizing his name because the nickname is hilarious). Chasyn's face bothered me and his attitude. He genuinely didn't seem to care and wussed out so badly. It was kind of funny but more on the "OMG GO AWAY" side. And Neander-Tool is passive too and it was really bad when he started a fight in the middle of therapy. I love Trina, she has a good way of handling stuff. Okay, not really. Security got involved. But she kept a professional demeanor, which was remarkable. Here are pictures of the 2 tools mentioned above:

By the way, Neander-tool definitely wants Jennavecia, in my opinion. But he's probably scared of something blowing between Kyle and Neander-tool's girlfriend. Anyway, at first I couldn't stand Kourtney because of her attitude towards women. But then I realized, she is a tough position: she is a lesbian Tool. That's so different from the other couples, so it seems worse, but in reality, she's as bad as the guys. Not worse just because she's a lesbian. She's actually kind of her own way. Like in this pic, she looks pretty cute:

Well that's all I had to say about episode one. The rest of this season should be INCREDIBLE!
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