
Dream I Had Last Night

It was the two of us
Bathed in a soft light no
Lamp or candle can mimic.
And you, in your glory of
masculine perfection,
Come to me and leave a
Spark on my lips.

One spark
Leads to another and more
Until we find ourselves
Revealed in a true state
Of naturalness, fueled
By the electricity
That is our love.

And then we two
Become one, like
Droplets, delicate and small,
Come together to form a
A cloud, large and powerful.
Our voices ring in unison, our
Breaths the string section of a symphony.

And after the final release,
One becomes two again.
And you drape your arm over
Me, like I drape my blanket
Keeping me warm in the
Cold separation that is the night.
Until morning, when we can speak again.

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