
Dude Who Came To Talk To Us (N.a.P.)

Today in school a guy named Bob Anthony came to talk to us about being gay and Catholic and how our school is making a big step towards becoming this open friendly place where people can talk about anything. And asking that we start some form of GSA or whatnot.

I'm personally not really all for a GSA or LGBT support group. It sounds like a nice idea to have a group where people get together and talk about feelings and problems. But in actuality, it sounds like it draws more attention to a "problem" and could lead to even more discrimination or isolation. The kids in that group would be labeled the "gay kids." And I think that's counterproductive.

I completely support a respectful environment not because of having a minority group or whatnot, but just for the sake of being respectful. I try to respect people because I think everyone has a purpose...even if it is seemingly worthless, it could be totally worth it to someone else. A GSA could work, but I'm wary about it. That's most of the reason why I haven't talked about starting one.

This is a total side note, but I was browsing facebook a week or so ago, and Fabulous sent a friend of hers a piece of flair that had something to do with bi friend. Someone got totally offended by it. And I can totally see why. I mean, I wouldn't want to be introduced as "hey, this is *insert person's name*, my *insert sexual orientation here* friend." Kids don't do that for straight people. You wouldn't introduce someone as "Hey, this is Alfred, my black friend." It points out things that are totally unnecessary and somewhat discriminatory because it points out things that could potentially isolate people.

Like Poofy Hair calling me "Hoe-Jo" when introducing me to her friends. TOTALLY uncalled for, all the time.

1 comment:

Miss Anne Thrope said...

*facepalm* it's also counter-productive to post about the things i do that bother you instead of telling me yourself. I am sorry tho, I didn't realise I was doing that or that it was bothering you :\

Also, I completely agree with you about the GSA LGBT club thing. I think people need to stop focusing on the things that make up different and try to see what makes us similar instead.