
"You Can Feel My Lips Undress Your Eyes"

Dear Reader(s),

This is the...third day in a row I believe that I am posting a blog entry instead of doing homework. I have no idea if this is a horrifically bad habit or not, but I'm sure my random rants amuse you.

So...today's rant: effort. Is it JUST me, or are there some subjects where it seems like the less effort you put into it, the higher your grade is? Like my English class...I rush-studied for my latest essay test because I really wanted to watch Tool Academy. Then I take the test, and I get like an A+.

If only calc worked that way. I really like calc though. This semester, it's like a puzzle. I like puzzles...but cool ones, like sudoku that involve lots of numbers. Then again, after a quarter with calculus, you eventually forget how to count and add numbers, so sudoku and calc have nothing to do with each other.

Well it's coming that time (dinner), that I should really start getting work done.


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