
The Vampire Diaries Ep 1 (T.V.C.)

So, due to all this vampire pop culture stuff strolling around (Twilight, True Blood, etc.), I decided to check out this series. From the previews, it didn't seem as ridiculous as Twilight, and not as pornographic as True Blood.

Now, I have read the first book of Twilight and did not find it exciting at all. But this, I feel, seems grounded in more real emotions. The Elena's parents died in a tragic accident, so it's understandable that she keeps a diary and to herself. The guy seems more real...not a sparkly perfect pale guy who skulks around rooms at night. Stefan, the vampire, has some real conflict going on, unlike Edward. Plus, there seem to be more high school experiences: class, drinking parties, chilling at bars and stuff. This mimics True Blood more, since one of the key settings is the bar where Sookie works. The soundtrack is fantastic. It is very upbeat and fits the mood and definitely teen friendly.

In terms of conflict, it goes between friends and family, which is refreshing since it lessens the Twilight-ness feel of the show. I am a sucker for family conflict in movies and stuff. If that's not enough motivation to check it out, Stefan's brother is really hot.

I actually like this series. Although, you never know can come next in terms of series quality.

Rating for the first episode: 7/10

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