
Things I Am Thankful For

So since I did it last year, I'm making the annual list of things I'm thankful for.
  • This blog: helps me vent and be creative about the things going on in my life. I honestly can't believe I wrote an entry almost everyday this year!
  • Human Beings: I love you. I don't love you. I like you. I dislike you. Either way, you entertain me with sheer stupidity and great insight. Even though most of you don't have real names on this thing.
  • Loyola: because learning is good and useful.
  • MTA: I avoid your buses as much as possible and your subway policies give me so many headaches, but I need to get from point A to point B somehow.
  • My parrot: also annoying, but he's adorable and keeps me company.
  • Brown University: there's a chance I won't be thankful for it after December 15th but for now I am. I met Spike and Live there and life has been good since. I also met a bunch of other cool people.
  • Isabel De Los Rios: her blog and sage food advice has been keeping me skinny and a size 4 instead of a size 8. I didn't think I'd ever like quinao or sweet potatoes and can go on without bread for a week.
  • Josh Hillis blog: a year later and his workouts are still tough, but keeping me thin.
  • Apple: even though my iPod is starting to fail a year later, it hasn't lost all my music yet.
  • My Guitar: it's pretty and gives me a feeling of happiness through failure that I can't reproduce anywhere else in my life.
  • My Bass: it's kind of ignored but it makes me feel like a rock star.
  • Green Day: I heard "American Idiot" the first time when I was in 8th grade. It's been five years and you're still the best band ever and getting me through everything.
  • Magazines: help me stay pretty and discover some awesome new music.
  • Mary Manning Walsh Nursing Home: I get really nostalgic going there, but nostalgia implies that there were some good experiences amidst the bad.
  • Food: it's so yummy and without it, I wouldn't be here. There wouldn't be much of a Thanksgiving without it either.
  • Boredom: helps me get productive. That's why I started drawing again.
  • Stores: like I said last year, they prevent me from getting arrested for indecent exposure.
  • TV Shows: they give something to do and something to get excited about every week. Or everyday, in VH1's case.
  • Princeton Review: got me through the SAT testing season.
  • Common App: though it's tedious, it makes college apps so much easier. Imagine having to fill out applications by hand to all those schools? Yeah, so don't complain too hard.

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