
Why I'm Losing Weight (Not a Poem)

Okay, so I've told some of my friends that I'm trying to lose weight. And the general reaction was: "YOU LOOK FINE" or "stfu."

It's not about how I look anymore. It's BEYOND that. I know I do not look it, but I am close to being obese, according to many BMI charts. So weight loss is not aesthetic anymore. It is to save my health: now and later.

Plus, losing weight will be beneficial to my health, both mentally and physically. Mentally, I will probably and hopefully be over my body image issue, content in knowing that I weigh what I weighed in middle school. Physically, all the working out will make me feel energetic, fruit clears up skin, vegetables apparently help with energy, and MEAT IS YUMMY.

It is really starting to annoy me how badly people are trying to talk me out of it. I really just need support.

1 comment:

Miss Anne Thrope said...

I totally support you getting healthy! I'm just very worried about any obsession with weight loss - it manages to lead to other eating disorders. So while I'm 105% behind you on this I'm still never going to be able to see you as overweight.

*cheers* to health!