The long-delayed sixth installment of the Harry Potter film saga was definitely worth the wait. Overall, the special effects rocked, key book details were not omitted, and the characters seemed more approachable than in the other movies. The pg rating bothered me though.
I am a big fan of big special effects movies, such as Day After Tomorrow, Lord of the Rings, most horror movies, and most action flicks. But the opening sequence had me...not on the edge of my seat but pretty damn excited. There seemed to be more spell action in this one, similarly to Order of the Phoenix, the movie before this one. The only thing I could really complain about was the lake scene. The zombies did NOT look like zombies. For Lord of the Rings familiars, imagine a giant swarm of Gollum attacking Harry and Dumbledore.
Many people complain that there was too much Ron and Hermione development and not enough about Harry and Ginny. It was there though. And others complain about the lack of Weasley brothers and Weasley marriage reference. People, the movie is long enough as it is; we do not need anymore details. They kept the most important details: memories and Slughorn, Quidditch match, Dumbledore, etc.
I had watched a segment on Half-Blood Prince in which Emma Watson (Hermione) said that it was a movie she thinks everyone could relate to. I totally agree. For teens, there exists much angst among Harry and Draco, and the struggle for love is ever present. For adults, there is the romantic tension between characters and job-tension among the teachers. I, personally, felt really bad for Draco, since he was put up to a task I doubt he had the guts to carry through with.
As for the MPAA rating: NOT PG. Why I think the directors should have made it pg-13: zombies could have been more realistic and scary; sectumsepra is NOT kid-friendly; if I were a parent, I would NOT want my kid seeing so much on-screen kissing and sexual tension; there could have been more sexual tension; and the last reason would spoil too much for those of you too lazy to read the book.
Overall, though, I liked the movie, especially since I am great at ignoring the fact that I read all the books.
Rating: 8/10
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