
OMGBBQWTF? [kinda gross if you get the symbolism]

Fucking suck. It's like a vicious cycle
That won't ever stop.
You feel uplifted
But then you crash,
Like leaving your favorite trophy
For display at wild party.

And no one seems to care
About your blood phobia
Especially when you wake up
And your sheets are fucking wet.
You realize how bright your sheets look
When paired with red.

Why did you have to find it?
Why did you have to question me?
Where the fuck am I?
What the fuck's going on?
There's no where else to hide,
There's no where to hide,
Because my friends won't hide me.

I appreciate the concern,
But my parents kind of hate you now
And I really will never understand them.
And I would have taken it
Even if you
Weren't in the picture.
I'm over it.
But everyone seems to think they
Know exactly how I feel.

I got freaked out this morning.
My head is fucking hurting,
I don't what else to say,
Except for my motto:

What the fuck?
Oh, what the fuck is going on?

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