
Happy Holidays!

Last Christmas, I had a reasonable list of everything I wanted.
This year, I had no idea. I have friends, I don't have friend drama, I have clothes, I have good body. I'm happy. Well, someone sorta representing a boyfriend would be nice too. But that can wait.
My mom actually got sort of annoyed that I didn't want anything this year. So she like took me shopping and asked me to point out all the stuff I like.
It was really odd.

I still need to buy prezzies for people that I'm seeing tomorrow. But yeah. This weekend will be fun.
I hope.

Seeing my best friend on Tuesday was fun. I haven't seen him in almost six months. He hasn't changed much. It's hard to tell, considering we talk every second of our lives...well I talk to him. He sorta responds.

I always liked Christmas. It's been a good time. This year, it was okay. My aunt had to work late, and my uncle got sick, so no one came. I sigh in whateverness.

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